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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How mechanical mouse works?


How mechanical mouse works??



  Every one use Mechanical mouseBut

we don't know How it Work.Lets know about it.


Mouse allows quick and easy access to many icons and operations on the computer, such as selecting from a list of possible actions (menu), work with Windows and moving files. when you move the mouse, the rubber ball turns and runs two rollers, both associated with wheel with slots. light-emitting diode (LED) sends light through the slits and transducers convert light into an electrical signal. Pressing the button will send additional information to the computer.

1. Roller - Roller turns by turning the rubber ball back and forth
2. Rubber Ball - The ball is turning when you run the mouse over the surface
3. Moving Roller
4. Slotted wheel - This wheel with the slots associated with vertical rollers.
5. Light emitting diode
6. Converter
7. Cable coupling
8. Plastic housing
9. Cable - cable connects the mouse to the computer through input on your computer
10. Chip - The chip processes data from the transducer movement and buttons before it transmitt them to computer
11. Right button - The button pressing their work to encourage the chip and the chip sends signals to the computer
12. Roller - This is moved by rotation of Roller balls
 1. Wheel with slots - when the wheel rotates, the movement of the slot next to the diode produces light flashes
2. Light-emitting diode (LED) - LED sends light through the slits on the outer edge of the wheel
3. Converter - Converter code flashes of light into electrical signals.
4. Roller Lever - Lever roller transfers spins on the wheel with slits. 

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